This process includes who will be responsible for making recommendations to staff and residents. Identify trusted messengers who can effectively communicate the importance of vaccination as well as how to address hesitancies and record declinations.

Implementing a peer champion program can help enhance the recommendation process. Collaborating with community partners can supplement conversations about hesitancy. And consider offering recommended vaccines on a calendar basis to spread out the workload.
Here are some steps you can take to achieve this
Empower CNAs and frontline staff
Include interventions such as office hours for the medical director, sitting at the nurse’s station
Address/understand concerns and reasons for hesitancy, address specific concerns
Use proven models for communication
Address vaccine hesitancy, concerns, and misinformation
Here are some steps you can take to achieve this
Aim for the middle ground (not individuals with a fixed mindset about vaccines who are unlikely to be swayed). People in the middle may need additional time, information, or assurance.
It’s normal to have questions or concerns about vaccines. Hesitancy should not be judged or shamed. It’s about meeting the person where they are and reassuring and educating them.
Ask vaccine-hesitant people open-ended question about why they feel the way they do and where they got their information. Listen to their answers before you respond. Mention your reasons for getting vaccinated and why you chose to; everyone’s vaccine story is personal.
Knowing what exactly the person is hesitant about/afraid of (vaccine side-effects, the needle, misinformation about how/why vaccines are developed or promoted) and address those concerns directly.

Additional Resources
Alliance for Aging Research
Fact sheet that provides an overview on how vaccines work, explains the benefits of vaccination, gives tips on spotting misinformation and disinformation, and debunks some of the most common myths regarding childhood and adult vaccination including a new section on COVID-19 vaccines. View Here
PALTmed – Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association
An hour long discussion about how to encourage resident and staff vaccination in facilities this winter. View Here
American College of Physicians
Stay up to date on the latest pneumococcal and flu vaccine recommendations and learn time-saving tips to make effective vaccine recommendations and boost vaccine confidence. View Here
Staff Specific
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Toolkit that outlines the importance of influenza vaccination for HCP, provides strategies for increasing influenza vaccination coverage among HCP, and describes tools a facility may use for monitoring influenza vaccination coverage among their HCP throughout an influenza season. View Here
PALTmed – Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association
Answers for frequently asked questions about hepatitis B disease and the hepatitis B vaccine. View Here
PALTmed – Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association
An informational poster for long-term care staff about hepatitis B disease and the hepatitis B vaccine View Here
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Video with long-term care staff who moved from being initially uncertain about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine to accepting it, and encourage their peers to do the same View Here
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Answers to frequently asked questions about vaccine safety and pregnancy, along with information for each adult vaccination and why it is important. View Here
Boston University School of Public Health
Summary of new data on fertility after COVID-19 vaccine View Here
American Journal of Epidemiology
Journal article describing findings indicating that the COVID-19 vaccination does not impair fertility in males or females View Here
Resident Specific
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Algorithm to help determine which residents need which pneumococcal vaccines, includes very detailed specific circumstances as well as general overview of current recommendations View Here
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Flyer with facts for older adults regarding why they need an influenza vaccine View Here
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Here is a list of websites with safety data for PPSV23 and PCV vaccines including information on vaccine side effects
- Safety Information for Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Vaccines | Vaccine Safety | CDC
- Safety Information for Hepatitis B Vaccines | Vaccine Safety | CDC
- Safety Information for Influenza (Flu) Vaccines | CDC
- Safety Information for Pneumococcal Vaccines | CDC
- Safety Information for Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Vaccines | Vaccine Safety | CDC
Checklist of links to key COVID-19 vaccination resources, including the date they were last revised. Updated at least monthly View Here
Vaccine Hesitancy Concerns
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Explains the Share, Highlight, Address, Remind, Explain model for communication View Here
The Manufacturing Institute and the Center for Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida
Specific to COVID-19 but the conversation tips are applicable to most other vaccines View Here
PALTmed – Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medical Association
Toolkit with sample presentations for staff, checklists, and other resources View Here
Vaccine Misinformation/Disinformation
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Specific strategies to address misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19 vaccine View Here